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The South Sefton Communities Alliance is a coalition of community groups, charities and social enterprises with a shared passion for social justice, quality of life, public health, our environment and cohesive, thriving communities.

We are non-party political and seek to work positively and collaboratively with each other and our local and regional political leaders and to become a central part of the decision-making process on the most important issues in South Sefton.

South Sefton faces unique and complex challenges in comparison to more rural and affluent parts of the borough, which demand unique and urgent solutions.

Collectively, our groups have the backing of tens of thousands of people who live and work in our part of the borough. We have come together to give our communities a louder voice. Our members are from the community and therefore have our community's best interests at heart.

We stand for positivity, integrity, transparency, and accountability.


We recognise that austerity and cuts in funding from central government have meant that local authorities across the UK are underfunded and under-resourced.

However, we passionately believe that our communities cannot be left behind; they must still grow and thrive, despite such challenging conditions, and our quality of life must not suffer.


We wish to offer our strong community links, experience, skills and expertise to enable both the local and combined authorities to direct precious public funds to the areas that need it the most, maximising their impact and value for money.


Our aims may change over time, but right now, we are calling for our political representatives to take urgent action to:

  • Improve the quality of the air we breathe

  • Reduce the amount of traffic on our roads

  • Make our streets cleaner and safer

  • Address the negative impacts of the Port of Liverpool’s operations

  • Protect and maintain our precious green spaces

  • Protect our communities from the impacts of climate change

  • Ensure that decisions taken do not undermine the valuable work of community groups


Action Group

Crosby Wombles

Friends of Derby Park

Hightown Beach Clean Group

Melling Parish Council

Netherton CommUnity

Our Place Community

Rimrose Valley Friends

Seaforth Village Friends

Shy Lowen Horse & Pony Sanctuary

St Mark's Netherton

Want to join us?

We know there are hundreds of groups operating in South Sefton doing amazing work and we hope that many will want to join this Alliance.
We look forward to growing our network and welcoming new members who share our objectives and our approach.

If you'd like to join us, please contact us at the email address below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


Even though each of our member groups are busy with their own core work, we have committed to working together to build a framework that enables us to work effectively as an Alliance.

Keep an eye out for joint activities, demonstrations, and announcements in the media. Public support will be vital to ensure our work is as effective as possible, so please get involved, whenever you can.

If our website and social media aren’t updated each day, don’t worry, we’re still busy behind the scenes. We will share news of our work and updates via the News page of this website and our social media channels on a monthly basis, at least.

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