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  • SSCA Admin

2024 is off to a great start!

SSCA members and volunteers. Bowersdale Resource Centre. Nov 2023.

We launched our alliance at the end of 2023 and are happy to report that, as a result of our first letter, we have secured a meeting with Sefton Council's Chief Exec, Phil Porter, later this month.

In our meeting, we'll be explaining why we've formed, what we hope to achieve and covering our main areas of focus - as outlined right here on our website. These include improving our air quality, reducing traffic, tackling litter, protecting our green spaces and much more.

Before our meeting, we want to make sure we haven’t missed anything obvious, so we’d like to know what improvements YOU’D like to see in South Sefton throughout 2024 and beyond.

To submit your thoughts and ideas, please email by midday on Friday 12th January and wherever we spot a recurring theme, we’ll do our best to make sure this is covered.

As an alliance, our mission is to improve quality of life by working positively and collaboratively with each other, and with local and regional elected representatives.

This meeting is therefore an important first step on this path.

While you're here...

Are you part of a community group, charity, or social enterprise operating in South Sefton? We'd love to hear from you! Email to find out more.

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